Narices prominentes y cejas pobladas sinonimo de hombres muy hombres, muy viriles, muy dificiles de ser confundidos con florecillas de la acera de enfrente, y sin dedicarte a la usura, al import-export de diamantes ni perteneciendo a la cadena Al Jazeera en que campo estariamos bien vistos los varones con nuestras prominencias? pues en general debe ser que estamos mal vistos en casi todos los gremios y solo nos aceptan en las profesiones anteriormente citadas (bueno adolfo nos habia dedicado unos barracones muy confortables hace 7 decadas pero ese no es mi concepto de diversion) Y generamos envidias alla por donde dejamos nuestros restos de foliculos faciales , un claro ejemplo de ello es el otrora bateria del grupo mas famoso de athens, Georgia, Bill Berry tuvo que colgar las baquetas de R.E.M. y nunca se sabra muy bien porquè, si fue su aficion a empinar el codo o quiza su obsesion con las polkas que le aparto del megaestrellato es un enigma, lo que esta claro es que en un grupo donde todos y cada uno de sus componentes son feos es el mas feo de todos el mas envidiado, un tio tan feo es tan feo que termina por resultar atractivo y eso es algo que no podia soportar el resto del grupo, eran conscientes de su fealdad inherente pero resultaba una fealdad demasiado vulgar al lado de el simiesco perfil de Bill, Bill un tipo feo con avaricia como debe de ser ,porque si has de ser algo lo mejor es serlo hasta el limite con todas sus consecuencias si eres feo y no puedes hacer nada para remediarlo se feo al extremo y mas allà regodeate en ello potencialo y llama a un notario del libro guiness para que te certifique como el feo mas feo de todos los feos; Bill Berry un tio que si se pusiese boina seria aceptado en cualquier corrillo de mus o domino de cualquier pueblo de la peninsula aun sin entender ni papa de bable, esukera , gallego ni de ningun dialecto berraco, en resumen que pueden existir multitud de valoraciones y consideraciones relativas a la belleza masculina, pero que quereis que os diga ,para mi un "home non e un home" sin pelo pelazo por doquier ni napia prominente ni una buena pelambrera que proteja sus ojos del sudor en las duras tardes veraniegas en la huerta, huelga decir que todo este sainete en favor de los machos poseedores de estas desmesuradas apendicidades foliculares no es mas que otra pieza de tente (los que ponen piezas de lego se lo curran menos porque abultan mas pero hace mas feo) en el camino de baldosas amarillas de la autopromocion personal en que se ha convertido Lo Inherente ultimamente, disculparme por ello todas mis abuelas estan criando malvas y aun no conseguì el single de "wilfred y la ganga", bonito pareado para dar esto por finalizado.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

When the earth was still flat,
And the clouds made of fire,
And mountains stretched up to the sky,
Sometimes higher,
Folks roamed the earth
Like big rolling kegs.
They had two sets of arms.
They had two sets of legs.
They had two faces peering
Out of one giant head
So they could watch all around them
As they talked; while they read.
And they never knew nothing of love.
It was before the origin of love.

The origin of love

And there were three sexes then,
One that looked like two men
Glued up back to back,
Called the children of the sun.
And similar in shape and girth
Were the children of the earth.
They looked like two girls
Rolled up in one.
And the children of the moon
Were like a fork shoved on a spoon.
They were part sun, part earth
Part daughter, part son.

The origin of love

Now the gods grew quite scared
Of our strength and defiance
And Thor said,
"I'm gonna kill them all
With my hammer,
Like I killed the giants."
And Zeus said, "No,
You better let me
Use my lightening, like scissors,
Like I cut the legs off the whales
And dinosaurs into lizards."
Then he grabbed up some bolts
And he let out a laugh,
Said, "I'll split them right down the middle.
Gonna cut them right up in half."
And then storm clouds gathered above
Into great balls of fire

And then fire shot down
From the sky in bolts
Like shining blades
Of a knife.
And it ripped
Right through the flesh
Of the children of the sun
And the moon
And the earth.
And some Indian god
Sewed the wound up into a hole,
Pulled it round to our belly
To remind us of the price we pay.
And Osiris and the gods of the Nile
Gathered up a big storm
To blow a hurricane,
To scatter us away,
In a flood of wind and rain,
And a sea of tidal waves,
To wash us all away,
And if we don't behave
They'll cut us down again
And we'll be hopping round on one foot
And looking through one eye.

Last time I saw you
We had just split in two.
You were looking at me.
I was looking at you.
You had a way so familiar,
But I could not recognize,
Cause you had blood on your face;
I had blood in my eyes.
But I could swear by your expression
That the pain down in your soul
Was the same as the one down in mine.
That's the pain,
Cuts a straight line
Down through the heart;
We called it love.
So we wrapped our arms around each other,
Trying to shove ourselves back together.
We were making love,
Making love.
It was a cold dark evening,
Such a long time ago,
When by the mighty hand of Jove,
It was the sad story
How we became
Lonely two-legged creatures,
It's the story of
The origin of love.
That's the origin of love.